Category Archives: Parents Information

What You Can and Can’t Eat With Braces. Featured by Brigham Orthodontics in Scottsdale and Cave Creek, AZ. Call 480-767-8810.


What you can and can’t eat with Braces.

Making the best food choices while you wear braces.

You might be eating more than you usually do. Here are some helpful tips from Brigham Orthodontics on what foods may be best for you while wearing braces. These ideas also work year round! If you have friends or family members with braces, be sure and send or post this information.

Previously posted at the website.

Do you know what you can and can’t eat with braces? Having braces doesn’t mean that you will be living on puree, bland foods during your treatment. Knowing what foods you can and can’t eat with your braces will help you achieve the optimum results after your orthodontic treatment has been completed. Preventing damage to the arch wires, bands, and brackets as well as keeping your teeth free from tooth decay during your treatment, should be your number one concern.

To take the guesswork out and consider this list of food that you can and can’t eat with braces, and keep your food choices enjoyable and tasty.


Fruit is an essential part of a healthy diet. It is recommended that children eat one to two cups of fruit daily. Even though fruit is a great choice for your health, how you choose to eat it is a challenge when you have bracesFoodFruits

Hard fruit, like an apple for example, can be very difficult to bite into, because of the brackets that are on the teeth. Unripe pears and peaches pose the same problem. Cut hard fruits into bite-sized pieces, so they can be chewed with the back teeth.

Soft fruits are easily bitten into for braces wearers, but when teeth are tender, especially after a wire change, even the softest fruit can be a nightmare. Choose fruit such as blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries for days when your teeth are tender.


Vegetables provide us with the vitamins and minerals that are essential for growing bodies. Children should consume one to two cups of vegetables daily. Like fruit, vegetables need to be prepared slightly differently for people who wear braces.FoodVegs

Hard, raw vegetables, such as carrots, cauliflower, and broccoli are tough to bite into with braces and may even pop a bracket off the tooth. When preparing raw vegetables, cut them into bite-sized pieces that can be easily chewed with the back teeth.

Most vegetables may be enjoyed cooked — which is a braces wearer’s dream because cooking automatically softens the food. If you are having a problem eating your favorite vegetable raw, try steaming it until it’s tender, or boil it until it’s soft.


Grains provide us with fiber, iron, and many other nutrients that we require. Choosing whole grain products provides the optimum nutritional value for your buck.FoodGrains

Grains are generally an easy food group for braces wearers, because most grain products are very soft and easily chewed. However, there are a few grain products braces wearers should be cautious of.

Eating hard crusted breads, such as a bagel, is difficult for someone with braces because it is very hard to bite into. Soften breads by warming them or break them into bite-sized pieces.

Ungrounded whole grains are also a challenge because they become stuck in between the braces, attachments and the even the teeth, which makes them very hard to remove. Avoid small seeds and grains.


Strong bones and teeth rely on a diet that is rich in calcium. Dairy products provide us with calcium, vitamin D, potassium, even protein. Dairy products are an excellent choice for braces wearers, because most dairy products are soft and require very little FoodDairychewing.

Select from a variety of dairy products, such as low-fat milk, low-fat cheese, and low-fat yogurt. If you are lactose intolerant, soy-based dairy products are a great dairy alternative that are also generally soft and easily consumed with braces.

When eating soft cheese, you may find that it becomes stuck between the braces and wires. Try to prepare bite-sized pieces of cheese, or purchase a cheese string product that is easily peeled apart.


Meat supplies us with protein and iron — both essential, especially for growing bodies. Meat, however, poses a problem for braces FoodMeatwearers because it’s fibrous, making it hard to chew. Stringy meat will often become stuck in the braces, or between the teeth. Tough cuts can be so difficult to chew, they end up loosening the bands that surrounds the molars. Eating meat right from the bone, such as chicken wings and ribs, becomes dangerous for your braces because you risk popping off a bracket.

Select lean, tender cuts of meat and cut them into bite-sized pieces before you eat it. Also, remove meat from the bone before eating. Some good choices include fish, chicken, and lean beef or pork. Tofu also is a good vegetarian option, since it’s soft.

Nuts and Seeds

Carefully selecting your choices from this vegetarian group will help keep your braces secure, because eating nuts and seeds can be very challenging for braces wearersFoodNuts

Nuts and seeds are very hard, and they are very small — two challenging aspects for someone who wears braces. Biting down on a hard nut or seed can easily break a band or bracket off from the tooth. Nuts and seeds are also responsible for bending the arch wires, even though they may not actually break anything off. A bent wire can actually move the teeth into an undesired position, setting you back valuable treatment time.

Select nut spreads, such as peanut butter or almond butter, or coarsely grind your favorite nuts and seeds, and use them as a topping for your yogurt.

Candy – The “Non” Food Group

Candy isn’t an official food group, but let’s face it most people do enjoy the occasional candy from time to time. For someone who wears braces, eating candy can be very destructive to their braces, and possibly to the tooth’s surface as well.FoodCandy

Candy can be broken into two groups: hard and sticky. Morsels of toffee will adhere to the brackets and bands, which can easily break them off. Hard chocolate covered nuts will do similar damage similar to its stick counterpart. Gummy candy will bend arch wires and get stuck under your braces attachments.

Eating candy should be avoided during your orthodontic treatment. Teeth are more vulnerable to decay while in braces, therefore eliminating excessive sugar is very important during your treatment.

Bringing It Altogether – Enjoy the Variety

Eating with braces doesn’t have to be boring. Now that you know what you can and can’t eat with braces, you are able to choose from a wide variety of braces friendly foods that are readily available and easily prepared. Try to select a variety of foods — from all of the food groups listed above. Ensuring that your diet remains healthy during your orthodontic treatment is just as important as your overall treatment’s outcome.

Be sure and view the Brigham Orthodontics “5 Easy Steps to Straight Teeth”!

View Brigham Orthodontics “5 Easy Steps to Straight Teeth”, click here >>

Now that you know some of the benefits to orthodontic treatment at Brigham Orthodontics, call us for a FREE consultation and learn about choices you have to be happy with an awesome new smile.

For your convenience, Dr. Brigham provides quality care at office locations in Scottsdale and Cave Creek, AZ. Call 480-767-8810.

Dr Brigham’s professionally trained team.

Dr Brigham and his team is ranked as a PHOENIX Magazine ‘TOP DENTIST’, click here for more information on Brigham Orthodontics >>

Brigham Orthodontics office locations and hours, click here >> .

View our ’4- EASY Steps’ NEW PATIENT page with all the information you need to get started, click here >> .

Call Dr Brigham to set a FREE consultation at 480-767-8810.

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Filed under Best Foods to Eat with Braces, Eating with Braces, Holidays, Parents Information

Top 10 Orthodontic Braces Myths. Featured by Brigham Orthodontics in Cave Creek and Scottsdale, AZ. Call 480-767-8810.


Top 10 Orthodontic Braces Myths.

When it comes to orthodontics, it’s sometimes difficult to separate fact from fiction. Some new patients have misconceptions about braces that may have been true 30 years ago, but are no longer true. Often times, these misconceptions were never true in the first place.

Here are the top 10 myths about orthodontics and braces. Are they TRUE or FALSE? [1]Top10

1. The tighter the better.

A common request from orthodontic patients is “Make it tighter, doc. I want to get my braces off faster!” You may think that tighter braces adjustments and heavier forces will move your teeth faster. While a certain level of force is necessary to move teeth, a force level that is too high may start to damage the bone and surrounding tissues. Orthodontics is a delicate balance of forces. Too much force may cause some teeth to move the wrong way and increase overall time you need braces. ‘Tighter is better’ myth is FALSE.

2. Braces have to hurt or feel tight to work.

No pain no gain right? Well, not exactly. In the old days, only stiff wires were available. When tied to the dental braces, these stiff Oral-bracesfacewires exerted heavy forces leading to more pain and discomfort for the patient. Now, with new technologies and flexible wires, there is significantly less discomfort associated with tooth movement. These days, you can have straight teeth with minimal discomfort. However, there are always some patients that complain about not having any pain because they think that without pain, their teeth are not moving. Remember, “It does not have to hurt to work!” ‘Braces have to hurt’ myth is FALSE.

3. Wires on braces need to be changed every visit.

Super-elastic wires of the present day can be bent into all different shapes and still spring back into their nice U-shaped form. If you have crooked teeth, the super-elastic wire can be connected to your crooked teeth and provide a steady light force to straighten them without needing to change the wire very often. With the limited wires of the old orthodontic days, if a wire was used that put too much pressure on a tooth, the bracket would either pop off the tooth or the wire would be permanently deformed and not move your teeth at all! That is why in the old days, orthodontic patients got many wires with incrementally higher stiffness, and these wires were changed more frequently. Wires on braces need to be changed every visit’ myth is FALSE.

4. My wisdom teeth are making my teeth crooked.NewYearResolution2013

You may think that wisdom teeth cause crowding. However, there is very little evidence to support the fact that wisdom teeth cause crowding. If this was true, then your teeth would never get crowded after your wisdom teeth were extracted. In fact, people who never developed wisdom teeth or who had their wisdom teeth removed may still see their teeth get crooked over time. Teeth just tend to drift forward over time regardless of whether or not you have wisdom teeth. ‘My wisdom teeth are making my teeth crooked’ myth is FALSE.

View the “Top 10 Health Benefits of Straight Teeth” article, click here >>

5. Only braces can straighten my teeth.

Not necessarily. With new technology, it is now possible to have straight teeth without ever having to wear braces! Invisalign alignersBene26-2W (which are actually clear aligners and not metal braces at all) are the most popular way to straighten teeth without braces. However, before you get too excited, know that Invisalign does have its limitations. For example, Invisalign may not be the best orthodontic option for fixing some bite problems or severely crooked teeth. The best way to see if Invisalign aligners can straighten your teeth is to schedule a FREE consultation at Brigham Orthodontics. Dr Brigham is ranked in the TOP 1% internationally by Invisalign. ‘Only braces can straighten my teeth’ myth is FALSE.

6. My spaces will close as soon as I get braces.

Many people who get braces to close gaps between their teeth have the unrealistic expectation that the gaps will start closing as soonMyths-spaces as they get braces. The issue with closing spaces is that is takes a controlled system of orthodontic braces and wires to close spaces. Often, the teeth need to be totally aligned before the spaces can begin to close. My spaces will close as soon as I get braces’ myth is FALSE, it takes a little time!

7. Once I get my braces off, my teeth will stay straight forever.

Getting your teeth straight and your bite right is just half the battle. Keeping your teeth straight after getting your braces off is the rest of the battle. Teeth are connected to the bone by elastic fibers. As the teeth are moved into their new straightened positions, some elastic fibers are stretched and others are compressed. After your braces are removed, these elastic fibers will tend to push and pull your teeth back towards their original position. That is why retainers are sometimes required when braces are removed to keep your teeth straight. ‘Once I get my braces off, my teeth will stay straight forever’ myth is FALSE.

8. Any overbite is bad.

Many new patients complain of having an overbite, only to be told that their overbite is normal.  Many patients think that having a Myths-overbitemild overbite is a bad thing and this is wrong. People with zero overbite (whose teeth bite together in the front) actually start wearing down their front teeth over time. So a small overbite actually protects the front teeth from wearing down. Of course, a large overbite can be problematic so a small overbite of only two to three millimeters is ideal. ‘Any overbite is bad’ myth is FALSE.

9. The date that I am supposed to get my braces off is set in stone.

When patients are told before treatment that they will be in dental braces for a certain number of months, it is very easy to focus on a Myth-Datespecific date. Usually, an orthodontist can judge from his or her experience what the typical time frame is to finish treatment. However this depends on many factors. Some factors that would slow down treatment include: broken braces, not brushing well, not coming in for regular appointments, and having dense bone. If you want to get your braces off on time, make sure you co-operate by brushing and flossing well, wearing your elastics, and showing up for your regular appointments! ‘The date that I am supposed to get my braces off is set in stone’ myth is FALSE; there are many factors that can change your treatment time.

10. Since only my bottom teeth are crooked, I just need braces on my bottom teeth.

While it may seem like an easy fix to just put on braces on the lower teeth to straighten them, sometimes having only lower braces can cause problems. For example, straightening out your crowded lower teeth without upper braces could make your bite uneven so that you get upper spaces or crowding. Another problem that can happen is that if you have a deep bite, your front teeth may overlap too much and you may end up biting off your lower braces. Therefore, upper braces would be needed to change up your bite. If you are really against wearing upper braces,  you can ask Dr Brigham if your teeth can be straightened with Invisalign aligners.


[1] by Dr Yang at

View FREE video, “What to expect with Invisalign aligners”, click here >> .

View Brigham Orthodontics “5 Easy Steps to Straight Teeth”, click here >>

Now that you know some of the benefits to orthodontic treatment at Brigham Orthodontics, call us for a FREE consultation and learn about choices you have to be happy with an awesome new smile.

For your convenience, Dr. Brigham provides quality care at office locations in Scottsdale and Cave Creek, AZ. Call 480-767-8810.

Dr Brigham’s professionally trained team.

Dr Brigham and his team is ranked as a PHOENIX Magazine ‘TOP DENTIST’, click here for more information on Brigham Orthodontics >>

Brigham Orthodontics office locations and hours, click here >> .

View our ’4- EASY Steps’ NEW PATIENT page with all the information you need to get started, click here >> .

Call Dr Brigham to set a FREE consultation at 480-767-8810.

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Filed under Parents Information, Top 10 Myths

Top 10 Orthodontic Braces Myths. Featured by Brigham Orthodontics in Cave Creek and Scottsdale, AZ. Call 480-767-8810.


Top 10 Orthodontic Braces Myths.

When it comes to orthodontics, it’s sometimes difficult to separate fact from fiction. Some new patients have misconceptions about braces that may have been true 30 years ago, but are no longer true. Often times, these misconceptions were never true in the first place.

Here are the top 10 myths about orthodontics and braces. Are they TRUE or FALSE? [1]Top10

1. The tighter the better.

A common request from orthodontic patients is “Make it tighter, doc. I want to get my braces off faster!” You may think that tighter braces adjustments and heavier forces will move your teeth faster. While a certain level of force is necessary to move teeth, a force level that is too high may start to damage the bone and surrounding tissues. Orthodontics is a delicate balance of forces. Too much force may cause some teeth to move the wrong way and increase overall time you need braces. ‘Tighter is better’ myth is FALSE.

2. Braces have to hurt or feel tight to work.

No pain no gain right? Well, not exactly. In the old days, only stiff wires were available. When tied to the dental braces, these stiff Oral-bracesfacewires exerted heavy forces leading to more pain and discomfort for the patient. Now, with new technologies and flexible wires, there is significantly less discomfort associated with tooth movement. These days, you can have straight teeth with minimal discomfort. However, there are always some patients that complain about not having any pain because they think that without pain, their teeth are not moving. Remember, “It does not have to hurt to work!” ‘Braces have to hurt’ myth is FALSE.

3. Wires on braces need to be changed every visit.

Super-elastic wires of the present day can be bent into all different shapes and still spring back into their nice U-shaped form. If you have crooked teeth, the super-elastic wire can be connected to your crooked teeth and provide a steady light force to straighten them without needing to change the wire very often. With the limited wires of the old orthodontic days, if a wire was used that put too much pressure on a tooth, the bracket would either pop off the tooth or the wire would be permanently deformed and not move your teeth at all! That is why in the old days, orthodontic patients got many wires with incrementally higher stiffness, and these wires were changed more frequently. Wires on braces need to be changed every visit’ myth is FALSE.

4. My wisdom teeth are making my teeth crooked.NewYearResolution2013

You may think that wisdom teeth cause crowding. However, there is very little evidence to support the fact that wisdom teeth cause crowding. If this was true, then your teeth would never get crowded after your wisdom teeth were extracted. In fact, people who never developed wisdom teeth or who had their wisdom teeth removed may still see their teeth get crooked over time. Teeth just tend to drift forward over time regardless of whether or not you have wisdom teeth. ‘My wisdom teeth are making my teeth crooked’ myth is FALSE.

View the “Top 10 Health Benefits of Straight Teeth” article, click here >>

5. Only braces can straighten my teeth.

Not necessarily. With new technology, it is now possible to have straight teeth without ever having to wear braces! Invisalign alignersBene26-2W (which are actually clear aligners and not metal braces at all) are the most popular way to straighten teeth without braces. However, before you get too excited, know that Invisalign does have its limitations. For example, Invisalign may not be the best orthodontic option for fixing some bite problems or severely crooked teeth. The best way to see if Invisalign aligners can straighten your teeth is to schedule a FREE consultation at Brigham Orthodontics. Dr Brigham is ranked in the TOP 1% internationally by Invisalign. ‘Only braces can straighten my teeth’ myth is FALSE.

6. My spaces will close as soon as I get braces.

Many people who get braces to close gaps between their teeth have the unrealistic expectation that the gaps will start closing as soonMyths-spaces as they get braces. The issue with closing spaces is that is takes a controlled system of orthodontic braces and wires to close spaces. Often, the teeth need to be totally aligned before the spaces can begin to close. My spaces will close as soon as I get braces’ myth is FALSE, it takes a little time!

7. Once I get my braces off, my teeth will stay straight forever.

Getting your teeth straight and your bite right is just half the battle. Keeping your teeth straight after getting your braces off is the rest of the battle. Teeth are connected to the bone by elastic fibers. As the teeth are moved into their new straightened positions, some elastic fibers are stretched and others are compressed. After your braces are removed, these elastic fibers will tend to push and pull your teeth back towards their original position. That is why retainers are sometimes required when braces are removed to keep your teeth straight. ‘Once I get my braces off, my teeth will stay straight forever’ myth is FALSE.

8. Any overbite is bad.

Many new patients complain of having an overbite, only to be told that their overbite is normal.  Many patients think that having a Myths-overbitemild overbite is a bad thing and this is wrong. People with zero overbite (whose teeth bite together in the front) actually start wearing down their front teeth over time. So a small overbite actually protects the front teeth from wearing down. Of course, a large overbite can be problematic so a small overbite of only two to three millimeters is ideal. ‘Any overbite is bad’ myth is FALSE.

9. The date that I am supposed to get my braces off is set in stone.

When patients are told before treatment that they will be in dental braces for a certain number of months, it is very easy to focus on a Myth-Datespecific date. Usually, an orthodontist can judge from his or her experience what the typical time frame is to finish treatment. However this depends on many factors. Some factors that would slow down treatment include: broken braces, not brushing well, not coming in for regular appointments, and having dense bone. If you want to get your braces off on time, make sure you co-operate by brushing and flossing well, wearing your elastics, and showing up for your regular appointments! ‘The date that I am supposed to get my braces off is set in stone’ myth is FALSE; there are many factors that can change your treatment time.

10. Since only my bottom teeth are crooked, I just need braces on my bottom teeth.

While it may seem like an easy fix to just put on braces on the lower teeth to straighten them, sometimes having only lower braces can cause problems. For example, straightening out your crowded lower teeth without upper braces could make your bite uneven so that you get upper spaces or crowding. Another problem that can happen is that if you have a deep bite, your front teeth may overlap too much and you may end up biting off your lower braces. Therefore, upper braces would be needed to change up your bite. If you are really against wearing upper braces,  you can ask Dr Brigham if your teeth can be straightened with Invisalign aligners.


[1] by Dr Yang at

View FREE video, “What to expect with Invisalign aligners”, click here >> .

View Brigham Orthodontics “5 Easy Steps to Straight Teeth”, click here >>

Now that you know some of the benefits to orthodontic treatment at Brigham Orthodontics, call us for a FREE consultation and learn about choices you have to be happy with an awesome new smile.

For your convenience, Dr. Brigham provides quality care at office locations in Scottsdale and Cave Creek, AZ. Call 480-767-8810.

Dr Brigham’s professionally trained team.

Dr Brigham and his team is ranked as a PHOENIX Magazine ‘TOP DENTIST’, click here for more information on Brigham Orthodontics >>

Brigham Orthodontics office locations and hours, click here >> .

View our ’4- EASY Steps’ NEW PATIENT page with all the information you need to get started, click here >> .

Call Dr Brigham to set a FREE consultation at 480-767-8810.

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Filed under Parents Information, Top 10 Myths

What You Can and Can’t Eat With Braces. Featured by Brigham Orthodontics in Scottsdale and Cave Creek, AZ. Call 480-767-8810.


What you can and can’t eat with Braces.

Making the best food choices while you wear braces.

It’s the holiday season and you might be eating more than you usually do. Here are some helpful tips from Brigham Orthodontics on what foods may be best for you while wearing braces. These ideas also work year round! If you have friends or family members with braces, be sure and send or post this information.

Previously posted at the website.

Do you know what you can and can’t eat with braces? Having braces doesn’t mean that you will be living on pureed, bland foods during your treatment. Knowing what foods you can and can’t eat with your braces will help you achieve the optimum results after your orthodontic treatment has been completed. Preventing damage to the arch wires, bands, and brackets as well as keeping your teeth free from tooth decay during your treatment, should be your number one concern.

To take the guesswork out and consider this list of food that you can and can’t eat with braces, and keep your food choices enjoyable and tasty.


Fruit is an essential part of a healthy diet. It is recommended that children eat one to two cups of fruit daily. Even though fruit is a great choice for your health, how you choose to eat it is a challenge when you have bracesFoodFruits

Hard fruit, like an apple for example, can be very difficult to bite into, because of the brackets that are on the teeth. Unripe pears and peaches pose the same problem. Cut hard fruits into bite-sized pieces, so they can be chewed with the back teeth.

Soft fruits are easily bitten into for braces wearers, but when teeth are tender, especially after a wire change, even the softest fruit can be a nightmare. Choose fruit such as blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries for days when your teeth are tender.


Vegetables provide us with the vitamins and minerals that are essential for growing bodies. Children should consume one to two cups of vegetables daily. Like fruit, vegetables need to be prepared slightly differently for people who wear braces.FoodVegs

Hard, raw vegetables, such as carrots, cauliflower, and broccoli are tough to bite into with braces and may even pop a bracket off the tooth. When preparing raw vegetables, cut them into bite-sized pieces that can be easily chewed with the back teeth.

Most vegetables may be enjoyed cooked — which is a braces wearer’s dream because cooking automatically softens the food. If you are having a problem eating your favorite vegetable raw, try seaming it until it’s tender, or boil it until it’s soft.


Grains provide us with fiber, iron, and many other nutrients that we require. Choosing whole grain products provides the optimum nutritional value for your buck.FoodGrains

Grains are generally an easy food group for braces wearers, because most grain products are very soft and easily chewed. However, there are a few grain products braces wearers should be cautious of.

Eating hard crusted breads, such as a bagel, is difficult for someone with braces because it is very hard to bite into. Soften breads by warming them or break them into bite-sized pieces.

Ungrounded whole grains are also a challenge because they become stuck in between the braces, attachments and the even the teeth, which makes them very hard to remove. Avoid small seeds and grains.


Strong bones and teeth rely on a diet that is rich in calcium. Dairy products provide us with calcium, vitamin D, potassium, even protein. Dairy products are an excellent choice for braces wearers, because most dairy products are soft and require very little FoodDairychewing.

Select from a variety of dairy products, such as low-fat milk, low-fat cheese, and low-fat yogurt. If you are lactose intolerant, soy-based dairy products are a great dairy alternative that are also generally soft and easily consumed with braces.

When eating soft cheese, you may find that it becomes stuck between the braces and wires. Try to prepare bite-sized pieces of cheese, or purchase a cheese string product that is easily peeled apart.


Meat supplies us with protein and iron — both essential, especially for growing bodies. Meat, however, poses a problem for braces FoodMeatwearers because it’s fibrous, making it hard to chew. Stringy meat will often become stuck in the braces, or between the teeth. Tough cuts can be so difficult to chew, they end up loosening the bands that surrounds the molars. Eating meat right from the bone, such as chicken wings and ribs, becomes dangerous for your braces because you risk popping off a bracket.

Select lean, tender cuts of meat and cut them into bite-sized pieces before you eat it. Also, remove meat from the bone before eating. Some good choices include fish, chicken, and lean beef or pork. Tofu also is a good vegetarian option, since it’s soft.

Nuts and Seeds

Carefully selecting your choices from this vegetarian group will help keep your braces secure, because eating nuts and seeds can be very challenging for braces wearersFoodNuts

Nuts and seeds are very hard, and they are very small — two challenging aspects for someone who wears braces. Biting down on a hard nut or seed can easily break a band or bracket off from the tooth. Nuts and seeds are also responsible for bending the arch wires, even though they may not actually break anything off. A bent wire can actually move the teeth into an undesired position, setting you back valuable treatment time.

Select nut spreads, such as peanut butter or almond butter, or coarsely grind your favorite nuts and seeds, and use them as a topping for your yogurt.

Candy – The “Non” Food Group

Candy isn’t an official food group, but let’s face it most people do enjoy the occasional candy from time to time. For someone who wears braces, eating candy can be very destructive to their braces, and possibly to the tooth’s surface as well.FoodCandy

Candy can be broken into two groups: hard and sticky. Morsels of toffee will adhere to the brackets and bands, which can easily break them off. Hard chocolate covered nuts will do similar damage similar to its stick counterpart. Gummy candy will bend arch wires and get stuck under your braces attachments.

Eating candy should be avoided during your orthodontic treatment. Teeth are more vulnerable to decay while in braces, therefore eliminating excessive sugar is very important during your treatment.

Bringing It Altogether – Enjoy the Variety

Eating with braces doesn’t have to be boring. Now that you know what you can and can’t eat with braces, you are able to choose from a wide variety of braces friendly foods that are readily available and easily prepared. Try to select a variety of foods — from all of the food groups listed above. Ensuring that your diet remains healthy during your orthodontic treatment is just as important as your overall treatment’s outcome.

Be sure and view the Brigham Orthodontics “5 Easy Steps to Straight Teeth”!

View Brigham Orthodontics “5 Easy Steps to Straight Teeth”, click here >>

Now that you know some of the benefits to orthodontic treatment at Brigham Orthodontics, call us for a FREE consultation and learn about choices you have to be happy with an awesome new smile.

For your convenience, Dr. Brigham provides quality care at office locations in Scottsdale and Cave Creek, AZ. Call 480-767-8810.

Dr Brigham’s professionally trained team.

Dr Brigham and his team is ranked as a PHOENIX Magazine ‘TOP DENTIST’, click here for more information on Brigham Orthodontics >>

Brigham Orthodontics office locations and hours, click here >> .

View our ’4- EASY Steps’ NEW PATIENT page with all the information you need to get started, click here >> .

Call Dr Brigham to set a FREE consultation at 480-767-8810.

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Filed under Eating with Braces, Holidays, Parents Information

What You Can and Can’t Eat With Braces. Featured by Brigham Orthodontics in Scottsdale and Cave Creek, AZ. Call 480-767-8810.


What you can and can’t eat with Braces.

Making the best food choices while you wear braces.

It’s the holiday season and you might be eating more than you usually do. Here are some helpful tips from Brigham Orthodontics on what foods may be best for you while wearing braces. These ideas also work year round! If you have friends or family members with braces, be sure and send or post this information.

Previously posted at the website.

Do you know what you can and can’t eat with braces? Having braces doesn’t mean that you will be living on pureed, bland foods during your treatment. Knowing what foods you can and can’t eat with your braces will help you achieve the optimum results after your orthodontic treatment has been completed. Preventing damage to the arch wires, bands, and brackets as well as keeping your teeth free from tooth decay during your treatment, should be your number one concern.

To take the guesswork out and consider this list of food that you can and can’t eat with braces, and keep your food choices enjoyable and tasty.


Fruit is an essential part of a healthy diet. It is recommended that children eat one to two cups of fruit daily. Even though fruit is a great choice for your health, how you choose to eat it is a challenge when you have bracesFoodFruits

Hard fruit, like an apple for example, can be very difficult to bite into, because of the brackets that are on the teeth. Unripe pears and peaches pose the same problem. Cut hard fruits into bite-sized pieces, so they can be chewed with the back teeth.

Soft fruits are easily bitten into for braces wearers, but when teeth are tender, especially after a wire change, even the softest fruit can be a nightmare. Choose fruit such as blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries for days when your teeth are tender.


Vegetables provide us with the vitamins and minerals that are essential for growing bodies. Children should consume one to two cups of vegetables daily. Like fruit, vegetables need to be prepared slightly differently for people who wear braces.FoodVegs

Hard, raw vegetables, such as carrots, cauliflower, and broccoli are tough to bite into with braces and may even pop a bracket off the tooth. When preparing raw vegetables, cut them into bite-sized pieces that can be easily chewed with the back teeth.

Most vegetables may be enjoyed cooked — which is a braces wearer’s dream because cooking automatically softens the food. If you are having a problem eating your favorite vegetable raw, try seaming it until it’s tender, or boil it until it’s soft.


Grains provide us with fiber, iron, and many other nutrients that we require. Choosing whole grain products provides the optimum nutritional value for your buck.FoodGrains

Grains are generally an easy food group for braces wearers, because most grain products are very soft and easily chewed. However, there are a few grain products braces wearers should be cautious of.

Eating hard crusted breads, such as a bagel, is difficult for someone with braces because it is very hard to bite into. Soften breads by warming them or break them into bite-sized pieces.

Ungrounded whole grains are also a challenge because they become stuck in between the braces, attachments and the even the teeth, which makes them very hard to remove. Avoid small seeds and grains.


Strong bones and teeth rely on a diet that is rich in calcium. Dairy products provide us with calcium, vitamin D, potassium, even protein. Dairy products are an excellent choice for braces wearers, because most dairy products are soft and require very little FoodDairychewing.

Select from a variety of dairy products, such as low-fat milk, low-fat cheese, and low-fat yogurt. If you are lactose intolerant, soy-based dairy products are a great dairy alternative that are also generally soft and easily consumed with braces.

When eating soft cheese, you may find that it becomes stuck between the braces and wires. Try to prepare bite-sized pieces of cheese, or purchase a cheese string product that is easily peeled apart.


Meat supplies us with protein and iron — both essential, especially for growing bodies. Meat, however, poses a problem for braces FoodMeatwearers because it’s fibrous, making it hard to chew. Stringy meat will often become stuck in the braces, or between the teeth. Tough cuts can be so difficult to chew, they end up loosening the bands that surrounds the molars. Eating meat right from the bone, such as chicken wings and ribs, becomes dangerous for your braces because you risk popping off a bracket.

Select lean, tender cuts of meat and cut them into bite-sized pieces before you eat it. Also, remove meat from the bone before eating. Some good choices include fish, chicken, and lean beef or pork. Tofu also is a good vegetarian option, since it’s soft.

Nuts and Seeds

Carefully selecting your choices from this vegetarian group will help keep your braces secure, because eating nuts and seeds can be very challenging for braces wearersFoodNuts

Nuts and seeds are very hard, and they are very small — two challenging aspects for someone who wears braces. Biting down on a hard nut or seed can easily break a band or bracket off from the tooth. Nuts and seeds are also responsible for bending the arch wires, even though they may not actually break anything off. A bent wire can actually move the teeth into an undesired position, setting you back valuable treatment time.

Select nut spreads, such as peanut butter or almond butter, or coarsely grind your favorite nuts and seeds, and use them as a topping for your yogurt.

Candy – The “Non” Food Group

Candy isn’t an official food group, but let’s face it most people do enjoy the occasional candy from time to time. For someone who wears braces, eating candy can be very destructive to their braces, and possibly to the tooth’s surface as well.FoodCandy

Candy can be broken into two groups: hard and sticky. Morsels of toffee will adhere to the brackets and bands, which can easily break them off. Hard chocolate covered nuts will do similar damage similar to its stick counterpart. Gummy candy will bend arch wires and get stuck under your braces attachments.

Eating candy should be avoided during your orthodontic treatment. Teeth are more vulnerable to decay while in braces, therefore eliminating excessive sugar is very important during your treatment.

Bringing It Altogether – Enjoy the Variety

Eating with braces doesn’t have to be boring. Now that you know what you can and can’t eat with braces, you are able to choose from a wide variety of braces friendly foods that are readily available and easily prepared. Try to select a variety of foods — from all of the food groups listed above. Ensuring that your diet remains healthy during your orthodontic treatment is just as important as your overall treatment’s outcome.

Be sure and view the Brigham Orthodontics “5 Easy Steps to Straight Teeth”!

View Brigham Orthodontics “5 Easy Steps to Straight Teeth”, click here >>

Now that you know some of the benefits to orthodontic treatment at Brigham Orthodontics, call us for a FREE consultation and learn about choices you have to be happy with an awesome new smile.

For your convenience, Dr. Brigham provides quality care at office locations in Scottsdale and Cave Creek, AZ. Call 480-767-8810.

Dr Brigham’s professionally trained team.

Dr Brigham and his team is ranked as a PHOENIX Magazine ‘TOP DENTIST’, click here for more information on Brigham Orthodontics >>

Brigham Orthodontics office locations and hours, click here >> .

View our ’4- EASY Steps’ NEW PATIENT page with all the information you need to get started, click here >> .

Call Dr Brigham to set a FREE consultation at 480-767-8810.

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Filed under Eating with Braces, Holidays, Parents Information

When do you need orthodontic correction. Featured by Brigham Orthodontics in Scottsdale and cave Creek, AZ. Call 480-767-8810.

When do you need orthodontic correction?

Dental abnormalities affecting the position or alignment of the teeth can dramatically affect the esthetics and functionality of your smile. Orthodontic treatment — with braces, retainers or clear aligners — corrects conditions such as crowded or crooked teeth, overbite (when top teeth extend beyond bottom teeth), underbite (when bottom teeth are too far forward or upper teeth are too far back), incorrect jaw position and jaw-joint disorders.

Orthodontic correction also may be necessary when the upper and lower jaws do not meet properly, resulting in an uneven bite. If not properly managed, an uneven bite could lead to the development of temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ). Protruding, crowded or irregularly spaced teeth and jaw problems may be genetic. Certain situations and habits, such as accidents, not wearing protective devices like mouth guards during athletic activity, and premature tooth loss, thumb sucking and tongue thrusting also may contribute to conditions requiring orthodontic correction.

View the Brigham Orthodontic video resource site for many informative videos, click here >> .

The benefits of orthodontic correction.

Straight teeth look great and help you smile with confidence, thus improving self-esteem.

Orthodontics also improves function and make cleaning your teeth easier – ensuring healthy teeth and gums forever and avoiding dental health problems later in life. A poor bite puts undue stress on chewing muscles and can cause pain or jaw problems.

Your regular dentist can usually do better restorations if the teeth are aligned properly by an orthodontist. The risk of damage to protruding teeth is reduced after they have been corrected by an orthodontist.

Orthodontic treatment can be carried out in conjunction with other dental specialties such as helping buried teeth erupt and preparing teeth for a bridge or implants.

View article “Why you or your child might consider orthodontic treatment”, click here >> .

View Brigham Orthodontics 5 Easy Steps to Straight Teeth, click here >>

For your convenience, Dr. Brigham provides quality care at office locations in Scottsdale and Cave Creek areas. Call 480-767-8810.

Dr Brigham’s professional team.

Dr Brigham and his team is ranked as a PHOENIX Magazine ‘TOP DENTIST’, click here for more information on Brigham Orthodontics >>

Brigham Orthodontics office locations and hours, click here >> .

View our ’4- EASY Steps’ NEW PATIENT page with all the information you need to get started, click here >> .

Call Dr Brigham to set a FREE consultation at 480-767-8810.

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Filed under Benefit of Orthodontics, Children's Dental, Improving Your Smile, Parents Information

Have you thought why you or your child should get orthodontic treatment? Featured by Brigham Orthodontics in Scottsdale and Cave Creek, AZ. Call 480-767-8810.

Why you should get orthodontic treatment?

The goal of orthodontic treatment is a good bite—meaning straight teeth that mesh well with the teeth in the opposite jaw. A good bite makes it easier for you to bite, chew and speak. This can enhance your dental health and your overall health, and may improve self-esteem.

Orthodontic treatment is often part of a comprehensive dental health care plan. With good care, including orthodontic treatment when necessary, teeth can last a lifetime.

Treatment in children or teenagers who are still growing may yield results that may not be possible once the face and jaws have completed their growth.

A healthy bite is as important at age 60 as it is at age 16. Even though adults are no longer growing, they can also enjoy improvements that come from orthodontic treatment. Your age is not a consideration for orthodontic treatment. Healthy teeth can be moved at any age.

Orthodontic treatment is a smart investment in your dental, physical and emotional health.

When to see an Orthodontist.

If you recognize any of these signs in your child or yourself, it might be time to schedule a FREE consultation at Brigham Orthodontics to learn everything about your new smile.

  • Early or late loss of baby teeth.
  • Difficulty chewing or biting.
  • Mouth breathing.
  • Sucking the thumb or fingers, or other oral habits.
  • Crowded, misplaced or blocked-out teeth.
  • Jaws that shift, make sounds, protrude or are recessed.
  • Speech difficulty.
  • Biting the cheek or biting into the roof of the month.
  • Protruding teeth.
  • Biting the cheek or biting into the roof of your mouth.
  • Teeth that meet in an abnormal way, or not at all.
  • Facial imbalance or asymmetry (features out of proportion to the rest of the face)
  • Grinding or clinching teeth.
  • Inability to comfortably close your lips.

View FREE video, Fast, Comfortable Treatment & Extraordinary Results”, click here >> .

Orthodontics has come a long way.

A variety of orthodontic “appliances” are available today, thanks to ongoing research in orthodontics. Options include traditionalmetal braces, tooth-colored braces, braces that go behind the teeth, clear aligners and other devices, as appropriate. Check with Dr Gary Brigham about the best way to achieve your treatment goals.

Comfortable and efficient, today’s orthodontic appliances also contribute to a stable, long-lasting result.

View FREE video “Dental patient education”, click here >> .

Benefits of teeth straightening.

An attractive smile contributes to self-esteem, self-confidence and a positive self-image. Orthodontic treatment can benefit social and career success, as well as improve a person’s general attitude toward life.

While the appliances used in orthodontic treatment have come a long way since orthodontics became dentistry’s first specialty in 1900, what endures is orthodontists’ like Dr Gary Brigham, Brigham Orthodontics, desire to help you achieve your healthiest and most beautiful bite and smile possible!

View Brigham Orthodontics 5 Easy Steps to Straight Teeth, click here >>

For your convenience, Dr. Brigham provides quality care at office locations in Scottsdale and Cave Creek areas. Call 480-767-8810.

Dr Brigham’s professional team.

Dr Brigham and his team is ranked as a PHOENIX Magazine ‘TOP DENTIST’, click here for more information on Brigham Orthodontics >>

Brigham Orthodontics office locations and hours, click here >> .

View our ‘4- EASY Steps’ NEW PATIENT page with all the information you need to get started, click here >> .

Call Dr Brigham to set a FREE consultation at 480-767-8810.

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Filed under Damon Braces, Improving Your Smile, Invisalign Teen, Parents Information, Selecting an Orthodontist

Information about ‘Teen Clear Aligners’ for parents! Featured by Brigham Orthodontics providing “Top Dentist” ranked service in Scottsdale and Cave Creek, Arizona. Call 480-767-8810.

Information about ‘Clear Aligners’ for parents.

Previously posted on the Invisalign website. Teens – be sure to share this article with your parents and family members!

Invisalign Teen® offers an easier, more flexible way to give your child the confidence of a great smile without the restrictions, irritation and self-consciousness associated with the metal brackets and wires of traditional braces. Plus, since the aligner trays are removable, your teen can continue brushing and flossing normally, which leads to better overall periodontal health.

You’ll find that Invisalign Teen even offers more convenience for your schedule as well. For you, fewer doctor visits mean less time out of your busy schedule. And the Blue Dot Wear Indicator on each aligner provides an approximate gauge of whether your teen has been wearing the aligners consistently and for the recommended amount of time. The indicators will fade as the time to move to the next set of aligners gets closer.

View the FREE video “Invisalign TEEN”, click here >> .

And there’s no need to worry if something happens to one of the aligners — accidentally thrown out, broken, or lost. Many orthodontists will charge you for replacing lost or broken aligners, but your Invisalign Teen Provider will give you up to six free replacement aligners.* Just one more reason to select Invisalign Teen.

If you decide that Invisalign Teen is the right choice for you and your family, we’ll be ready to help you take the next step toward giving your teen that perfect smile. Take the Smile Assessment with your teen today.

Contact Brigham Orthodontics to schedule a FREE consultation so we may can help you learn more about the differences between choosing Invisalign Teen over traditional braces, and we will also have additional information about the costs involved with Invisalign treatment. You’ll then be able to review all the options you have for providing the very best for your teen.

Have your teen take the FREE Smile Assessment, click here >> .

View Brigham Orthodontics 5 Easy Steps to Straight Teeth, click here >>

Contact Brigham Orthodontics for a free consultation on which type of braces or aligners might be best for you. Call 480-767-8810.

For your convenience, Dr. Brigham provides quality care at office locations in Scottsdale and Cave Creek areas. Call 480-767-8810.

Dr Brigham’s professional team.

Dr Brigham and his team is ranked as a PHOENIX Magazine ‘TOP DENTIST’, click here for more information on Brigham Orthodontics >>

Brigham Orthodontics office locations and hours, click here >> .

Call Dr Brigham to set a FREE consultation at 480-767-8810.

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Filed under Invisalign Teen, Parents Information