Category Archives: Selecting an Orthodontist

A Guide to Thinking About Getting Braces. Featured by Brigham Orthodontics in Cave Creek and Scottsdale, AZ. Call 480-767-8810.


A Guide to Thinking About Getting Braces – The Top Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s).

1) Can you be too old for braces? [1]

NewYearSmileLadyThere is no age limit for braces. As long as you have good periodontal health, braces can be used to straighten your teeth and correct your bite. More people over age 30 are getting braces today than ever before. Many readers are between the ages of 25 to 55! However, if you have been on a Bisphosphonate drug for osteoporosis (such as Fosamax or Boniva) you need to talk to Dr. Brigham at Brigham Orthodontics first. Be sure and mention this during your FREE consultation!

2) I wore my retainer for a while when I was younger, but then I stopped wearing it and my teeth shifted years later. Is this common?

Yes, it is more common than you think. The teeth are actually more dynamic than you’d expect. Sometimes, when wisdom teeth erupt, your bite can change in adulthood. A large percentage of adults in braces are in them for a second time!

3) My kids just got braces and now I’m thinking of getting them, too. Thinking-family

Many adults “finally get their teeth done” when their kids go in for orthodontic treatment. It’s more common than you think! Some patients have an entire family in braces!

4) What is it like to have braces put on your teeth? Does it hurt?

Getting braces put on your teeth does not hurt, and does not require Novocain injections or anything painful.

5) How much do braces cost?Think-pric1.1v

The cost varies depending on what needs to be done and how long it may take to straighten your teeth. The metropolitan Phoenix area providers tend to be pretty similar in pricing. One benefit of the FREE consultation at Brigham Orthodontics is to determine exactly which system is best for you and how much time it may take, which in turn determines the cost.

6) Does dental insurance cover the cost of braces?

Many people in the U.S. have dental insurance through their employers or as individuals/families. This insurance usually covers orthodontic treatment for children up to age 18, but does not cover adult orthodontics — or only covers it up to a certain dollar amount. If your plan covers adult braces, consider yourself in the lucky person

Remember, most insurance plans and discount dental plans do not cover treatment that is already in progress. So, if you are going to sign up for a dental plan or insurance plan, do it before any treatment begins. Also, beware of any waiting periods your dental plan may enforce. And by the way, jaw surgery or extraction is sometimes covered under your medical plan, so be sure to look into this, too.

If you do not have insurance, Brigham Orthodontics offers several third-party financing plans to make the process affordable for you and your family.

7) Can I get the invisible braces (Invisalign brand) instead of traditional ones?Think-Invisalign

That depends on your specific case. Invisalign braces are usually not recommended for very complicated cases, or cases that involve extractions. During the FREE consultation, Brigham Orthodontics can decide whether Invisalign is the right recommendation for you.

View FREE video, “What to expect with Invisalign aligners”, click here >> .

8) What is the difference between a dentist and a orthodontist?

A orthodontist is a dentist who has taken several years of extra training beyond the basic dental degree. Here is what the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) says:

“It takes many years to become a orthodontist. As in medicine, the educational requirements are demanding.Think-HarrySicherAwawrd

First, a orthodontist must complete college.

Next is a three to four-year graduate program at a dental school in a university or other institution accredited by the American Dental Association (ADA).

Finally, there are at least two or three years of advanced specialty education in an ADA-accredited orthodontic residency program. The program is difficult. It includes advanced knowledge in biomedical, behavioral and basic sciences. The orthodontic resident learns the complex skills required to both manage tooth movement (orthodontics) and guide facial development (dentofacial orthopedics).

Only dentists who have successfully completed this advanced specialty education may call themselves orthodontists.”

View Dr Brigham’s education and back ground, click here >> .

View The Phoenix Magazine TOP DENTIST ranking for Dr Brigham, click here >> .

9) Should I get braces done by a dentist or by an orthodontist?

It’s normally recommended if you have a orthodontist in your area to select a qualified orthodontist such as Brigham Orthodontics.

Just because a dentist says he or she “can do braces for you” doesn’t mean that they have all the training necessary to successfully handle complicated treatments. Normal and complicated cases are probably best handled by an orthodontist who has more training.

If you’re considering getting braces, you should probably get at least one opinion from a fully credited orthodontist to ensure that you are getting the correct type of treatment.

10) How much does an orthodontic consultations cost?FREEconsultationWphone

At Brigham Orthodontics we look at the alignment of your teeth and your facial aesthetics and gives you a general opinion of what he or she would do to correct your problems.

The consultation at Brigham Orthodontics is FREE. Keep in mind after your initial consultation, and you have selected Dr Brigham to complete your new smile, he will put together a comprehensive treatment plan for you after obtaining teeth molds and panoramic x-rays.

11) What is a “bite” and what is malocclusion?

Occlusion is another word for your bite — how the teeth in your top and bottom jaw meet with each other. Mal comes from the Latin root meaning “bad.” So, a malocclusion means a bad bite — a bite with problems. It means that your top teeth do not line up properly with your bottom teeth.

12) What are the “types of bite” and what do they mean?Think-overbite

The most common types of bite problems are:

  • Overbite. Patients with overbites appear “bucktoothed” and have a receding chin. The lower front teeth are positioned too far behind the upper front teeth. This condition can result from a horizontal overdevelopment of the upper jaw or an underdevelopment of the lower jaw or a combination of both.
  • Underbite. Patients with underbites have a strong jaw with a chin that juts straight out. The lower front teeth are positioned in front of the upper front teeth. This condition is caused by the horizontal underdevelopment of the upper jaw, the horizontal overdevelopment of the lower jaw, or most frequently a combination of both.
  • Crossbite. This occurs when the upper teeth are biting inside the lower teeth. This is frequently the result of a narrow upper jaw. Crossbites also occur because of a mismatch in jaw size and position between the upper and lower jaw. Some crossbites also lead to asymmetry of the lower jaw by causing the jaw to be abnormally deflected to one side when closing the teeth together. Proper diagnosis determines how and when a crossbite needs correction.
  • Open bite. This occurs when the upper front teeth cannot meet or overlap the lower front teeth even though the back teeth have closed together. Sometimes this makes eating difficult. Open bites are caused by the overdevelopment of the back portion of the upper jaw in a vertical direction. As the back portion of the upper jaw grows vertically downward, the lower jaw will open in a clockwise direction. This explains why open bite patients have a long facial appearance.

Take the FREE Invisalign Smile Assessment, click here >> .

13) Can I get braces just on the top or bottom?

That depends on your case. Orthodontics isn’t just about making your teeth straight or making them look better. Most orthodontists take a lot of things into consideration when recommending treatment, such as:Think-bracessmile

  • How the top and bottom teeth meet with each other (i.e., your bite)
  • How well you can chew your food
  • Whether you have a tongue thrust problem
  • Whether extraction or surgery will be necessary to correct your problems

So you see, it isn’t just a matter of making your teeth look pretty. There is a lot of other factors to take into consideration. This is why you sometimes need a full set of braces, even if you think that you only need them on top or bottom.

14) When will I begin to see changes in my teeth after the braces are put on?

Some people begin see changes in their teeth in the first 4 to 8 weeks of treatment.

15) Are people going to think I look geeky or weird with braces on my teeth?

Of course you’re self-conscious because it is YOUR mouth, but frankly most people don’t give a hoot. Your braces are a conversation piece for about 3 minutes; after that, nobody pays much attention. Really. And most people don’t think you look geeky. In fact, they probably think you look cute, or applaud that you are doing something positive to improve your appearance and your dental health. Whenever you become self-conscious about your braces, think about how great you’ll look after they come off!

16) Should I get teeth extracted as part of my orthodontic treatment?

It depends on your specific case. When we are young and our jaws are still growing, orthodontists can work with our growth to straighten the teeth without extraction.

But once we are adults, orthodontists are limited to what is already in place. Your teeth and jaw help to shape your face. Changing the underlying structure will result in some changes in your facial appearance. You should discuss this with your orthodontist. There are newer types of bracket systems that apply lighter forces and may be able to correct your problems without extractions, such as Damon Brackets. Be sure to ask about this during your FREE consultation!

17) How long does it take to close gaps between teeth after an extraction?

That depends on your body’s unique physiology. Gaps in teeth on the lower jaw tend to close slower than on the upper jaw. It can take anywhere from a few months to a year to close extraction gaps.

18) Do you have to change your diet when you wear braces?Thinkingapple

Yes, you should consider this to some extent. At first your teeth may hurt a bit and you might not be able to bite into hard foods, big sandwiches, or anything too chewy or crunchy. It is best to stick to soft foods until your teeth begin to feel better — usually in a few weeks. It’s worth it though, your new smile and confidence will be amazing!


[1] (edited) article .

View Brigham Orthodontics “5 Easy Steps to Straight Teeth”, click here >>

For your convenience, Dr. Brigham provides quality care at office locations in Scottsdale and Cave Creek areas. Call 480-767-8810.

Dr Brigham’s professional team.

Dr Brigham and his team is ranked as a PHOENIX Magazine ‘TOP DENTIST’, click here for more information on Brigham Orthodontics >>

Brigham Orthodontics office locations and hours, click here >> .

View our ’4- EASY Steps’ NEW PATIENT page with all the information you need to get started, click here >> .

Call Dr Brigham to set a FREE consultation at 480-767-8810.

Share this blog article with friends and family by clicking on the social network or email button below.

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Filed under Adult Braces, Damon Braces, Damon Clear Braces, Dealing With Braces, FAQ's, Invisalign, Invisalign Teen, Preparing for Getting Braces, Selecting an Orthodontist, Seniors Braces, Teen Braces

A Guide to Thinking About Getting Braces. Featured by Brigham Orthodontics in Cave Creek and Scottsdale, AZ. Call 480-767-8810.


A Guide to Thinking About Getting Braces – The Top Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s).

1) Can you be too old for braces? [1]

NewYearSmileLadyThere is no age limit for braces. As long as you have good periodontal health, braces can be used to straighten your teeth and correct your bite. More people over age 30 are getting braces today than ever before. Many readers are between the ages of 25 to 55! However, if you have been on a Bisphosphonate drug for osteoporosis (such as Fosamax or Boniva) you need to talk to Dr. Brigham at Brigham Orthodontics first. Be sure and mention this during your FREE consultation!

2) I wore my retainer for a while when I was younger, but then I stopped wearing it and my teeth shifted years later. Is this common?

Yes, it is more common than you think. The teeth are actually more dynamic than you’d expect. Sometimes, when wisdom teeth erupt, your bite can change in adulthood. A large percentage of adults in braces are in them for a second time!

3) My kids just got braces and now I’m thinking of getting them, too. Thinking-family

Many adults “finally get their teeth done” when their kids go in for orthodontic treatment. It’s more common than you think! Some patients have an entire family in braces!

4) What is it like to have braces put on your teeth? Does it hurt?

Getting braces put on your teeth does not hurt, and does not require Novocain injections or anything painful.

5) How much do braces cost?Think-pric1.1v

The cost varies depending on what needs to be done and how long it may take to straighten your teeth. The metropolitan Phoenix area providers tend to be pretty similar in pricing. One benefit of the FREE consultation at Brigham Orthodontics is to determine exactly which system is best for you and how much time it may take, which in turn determines the cost.

6) Does dental insurance cover the cost of braces?

Many people in the U.S. have dental insurance through their employers or as individuals/families. This insurance usually covers orthodontic treatment for children up to age 18, but does not cover adult orthodontics — or only covers it up to a certain dollar amount. If your plan covers adult braces, consider yourself in the lucky person

Remember, most insurance plans and discount dental plans do not cover treatment that is already in progress. So, if you are going to sign up for a dental plan or insurance plan, do it before any treatment begins. Also, beware of any waiting periods your dental plan may enforce. And by the way, jaw surgery or extraction is sometimes covered under your medical plan, so be sure to look into this, too.

If you do not have insurance, Brigham Orthodontics offers several third-party financing plans to make the process affordable for you and your family.

7) Can I get the invisible braces (Invisalign brand) instead of traditional ones?Think-Invisalign

That depends on your specific case. Invisalign braces are usually not recommended for very complicated cases, or cases that involve extractions. During the FREE consultation, Brigham Orthodontics can decide whether Invisalign is the right recommendation for you.

View FREE video, “What to expect with Invisalign aligners”, click here >> .

8) What is the difference between a dentist and a orthodontist?

A orthodontist is a dentist who has taken several years of extra training beyond the basic dental degree. Here is what the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) says:

“It takes many years to become a orthodontist. As in medicine, the educational requirements are demanding.Think-HarrySicherAwawrd

First, a orthodontist must complete college.

Next is a three to four-year graduate program at a dental school in a university or other institution accredited by the American Dental Association (ADA).

Finally, there are at least two or three years of advanced specialty education in an ADA-accredited orthodontic residency program. The program is difficult. It includes advanced knowledge in biomedical, behavioral and basic sciences. The orthodontic resident learns the complex skills required to both manage tooth movement (orthodontics) and guide facial development (dentofacial orthopedics).

Only dentists who have successfully completed this advanced specialty education may call themselves orthodontists.”

View Dr Brigham’s education and back ground, click here >> .

View The Phoenix Magazine TOP DENTIST ranking for Dr Brigham, click here >> .

9) Should I get braces done by a dentist or by an orthodontist?

It’s normally recommended if you have a orthodontist in your area to select a qualified orthodontist such as Brigham Orthodontics.

Just because a dentist says he or she “can do braces for you” doesn’t mean that they have all the training necessary to successfully handle complicated treatments. Normal and complicated cases are probably best handled by an orthodontist who has more training.

If you’re considering getting braces, you should probably get at least one opinion from a fully credited orthodontist to ensure that you are getting the correct type of treatment.

10) How much does an orthodontic consultations cost?FREEconsultationWphone

At Brigham Orthodontics we look at the alignment of your teeth and your facial aesthetics and gives you a general opinion of what he or she would do to correct your problems.

The consultation at Brigham Orthodontics is FREE. Keep in mind after your initial consultation, and you have selected Dr Brigham to complete your new smile, he will put together a comprehensive treatment plan for you after obtaining teeth molds and panoramic x-rays.

11) What is a “bite” and what is malocclusion?

Occlusion is another word for your bite — how the teeth in your top and bottom jaw meet with each other. Mal comes from the Latin root meaning “bad.” So, a malocclusion means a bad bite — a bite with problems. It means that your top teeth do not line up properly with your bottom teeth.

12) What are the “types of bite” and what do they mean?Think-overbite

The most common types of bite problems are:

  • Overbite. Patients with overbites appear “bucktoothed” and have a receding chin. The lower front teeth are positioned too far behind the upper front teeth. This condition can result from a horizontal overdevelopment of the upper jaw or an underdevelopment of the lower jaw or a combination of both.
  • Underbite. Patients with underbites have a strong jaw with a chin that juts straight out. The lower front teeth are positioned in front of the upper front teeth. This condition is caused by the horizontal underdevelopment of the upper jaw, the horizontal overdevelopment of the lower jaw, or most frequently a combination of both.
  • Crossbite. This occurs when the upper teeth are biting inside the lower teeth. This is frequently the result of a narrow upper jaw. Crossbites also occur because of a mismatch in jaw size and position between the upper and lower jaw. Some crossbites also lead to asymmetry of the lower jaw by causing the jaw to be abnormally deflected to one side when closing the teeth together. Proper diagnosis determines how and when a crossbite needs correction.
  • Open bite. This occurs when the upper front teeth cannot meet or overlap the lower front teeth even though the back teeth have closed together. Sometimes this makes eating difficult. Open bites are caused by the overdevelopment of the back portion of the upper jaw in a vertical direction. As the back portion of the upper jaw grows vertically downward, the lower jaw will open in a clockwise direction. This explains why open bite patients have a long facial appearance.

Take the FREE Invisalign Smile Assessment, click here >> .

13) Can I get braces just on the top or bottom?

That depends on your case. Orthodontics isn’t just about making your teeth straight or making them look better. Most orthodontists take a lot of things into consideration when recommending treatment, such as:Think-bracessmile

  • How the top and bottom teeth meet with each other (i.e., your bite)
  • How well you can chew your food
  • Whether you have a tongue thrust problem
  • Whether extraction or surgery will be necessary to correct your problems

So you see, it isn’t just a matter of making your teeth look pretty. There is a lot of other factors to take into consideration. This is why you sometimes need a full set of braces, even if you think that you only need them on top or bottom.

14) When will I begin to see changes in my teeth after the braces are put on?

Some people begin see changes in their teeth in the first 4 to 8 weeks of treatment.

15) Are people going to think I look geeky or weird with braces on my teeth?

Of course you’re self-conscious because it is YOUR mouth, but frankly most people don’t give a hoot. Your braces are a conversation piece for about 3 minutes; after that, nobody pays much attention. Really. And most people don’t think you look geeky. In fact, they probably think you look cute, or applaud that you are doing something positive to improve your appearance and your dental health. Whenever you become self-conscious about your braces, think about how great you’ll look after they come off!

16) Should I get teeth extracted as part of my orthodontic treatment?

It depends on your specific case. When we are young and our jaws are still growing, orthodontists can work with our growth to straighten the teeth without extraction.

But once we are adults, orthodontists are limited to what is already in place. Your teeth and jaw help to shape your face. Changing the underlying structure will result in some changes in your facial appearance. You should discuss this with your orthodontist. There are newer types of bracket systems that apply lighter forces and may be able to correct your problems without extractions, such as Damon Brackets. Be sure to ask about this during your FREE consultation!

17) How long does it take to close gaps between teeth after an extraction?

That depends on your body’s unique physiology. Gaps in teeth on the lower jaw tend to close slower than on the upper jaw. It can take anywhere from a few months to a year to close extraction gaps.

18) Do you have to change your diet when you wear braces?Thinkingapple

Yes, you should consider this to some extent. At first your teeth may hurt a bit and you might not be able to bite into hard foods, big sandwiches, or anything too chewy or crunchy. It is best to stick to soft foods until your teeth begin to feel better — usually in a few weeks. It’s worth it though, your new smile and confidence will be amazing!


[1] (edited) article .

View Brigham Orthodontics “5 Easy Steps to Straight Teeth”, click here >>

For your convenience, Dr. Brigham provides quality care at office locations in Scottsdale and Cave Creek areas. Call 480-767-8810.

Dr Brigham’s professional team.

Dr Brigham and his team is ranked as a PHOENIX Magazine ‘TOP DENTIST’, click here for more information on Brigham Orthodontics >>

Brigham Orthodontics office locations and hours, click here >> .

View our ’4- EASY Steps’ NEW PATIENT page with all the information you need to get started, click here >> .

Call Dr Brigham to set a FREE consultation at 480-767-8810.

Share this blog article with friends and family by clicking on the social network or email button below.

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Filed under Adult Braces, Damon Braces, Damon Clear Braces, Dealing With Braces, FAQ's, Invisalign, Invisalign Teen, Preparing for Getting Braces, Selecting an Orthodontist, Seniors Braces, Teen Braces

A Guide to Thinking About Getting Braces. Featured by Brigham Orthodontics in Cave Creek and Scottsdale, AZ. Call 480-767-8810.


A Guide to Thinking About Getting Braces – The Top Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s).

1) Can you be too old for braces? [1]

NewYearSmileLadyThere is no age limit for braces. As long as you have good periodontal health, braces can be used to straighten your teeth and correct your bite. More people over age 30 are getting braces today than ever before. Many readers are between the ages of 25 to 55! However, if you have been on a Bisphosphonate drug for osteoporosis (such as Fosamax or Boniva) you need to talk to Dr. Brigham at Brigham Orthodontics first. Be sure and mention this during your FREE consultation!

2) I wore my retainer for a while when I was younger, but then I stopped wearing it and my teeth shifted years later. Is this common?

Yes, it is more common than you think. The teeth are actually more dynamic than you’d expect. Sometimes, when wisdom teeth erupt, your bite can change in adulthood. A large percentage of adults in braces are in them for a second time!

3) My kids just got braces and now I’m thinking of getting them, too. Thinking-family

Many adults “finally get their teeth done” when their kids go in for orthodontic treatment. It’s more common than you think! Some patients have an entire family in braces!

4) What is it like to have braces put on your teeth? Does it hurt?

Getting braces put on your teeth does not hurt, and does not require Novocain injections or anything painful.

5) How much do braces cost?Think-pric1.1v

The cost varies depending on what needs to be done and how long it may take to straighten your teeth. The metropolitan Phoenix area providers tend to be pretty similar in pricing. One benefit of the FREE consultation at Brigham Orthodontics is to determine exactly which system is best for you and how much time it may take, which in turn determines the cost.

6) Does dental insurance cover the cost of braces?

Many people in the U.S. have dental insurance through their employers or as individuals/families. This insurance usually covers orthodontic treatment for children up to age 18, but does not cover adult orthodontics — or only covers it up to a certain dollar amount. If your plan covers adult braces, consider yourself in the lucky person

Remember, most insurance plans and discount dental plans do not cover treatment that is already in progress. So, if you are going to sign up for a dental plan or insurance plan, do it before any treatment begins. Also, beware of any waiting periods your dental plan may enforce. And by the way, jaw surgery or extraction is sometimes covered under your medical plan, so be sure to look into this, too.

If you do not have insurance, Brigham Orthodontics offers several third-party financing plans to make the process affordable for you and your family.

7) Can I get the invisible braces (Invisalign brand) instead of traditional ones?Think-Invisalign

That depends on your specific case. Invisalign braces are usually not recommended for very complicated cases, or cases that involve extractions. During the FREE consultation, Brigham Orthodontics can decide whether Invisalign is the right recommendation for you.

View FREE video, “What to expect with Invisalign aligners”, click here >> .

8) What is the difference between a dentist and a orthodontist?

A orthodontist is a dentist who has taken several years of extra training beyond the basic dental degree. Here is what the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) says:

“It takes many years to become a orthodontist. As in medicine, the educational requirements are demanding.Think-HarrySicherAwawrd

First, a orthodontist must complete college.

Next is a three to four-year graduate program at a dental school in a university or other institution accredited by the American Dental Association (ADA).

Finally, there are at least two or three years of advanced specialty education in an ADA-accredited orthodontic residency program. The program is difficult. It includes advanced knowledge in biomedical, behavioral and basic sciences. The orthodontic resident learns the complex skills required to both manage tooth movement (orthodontics) and guide facial development (dentofacial orthopedics).

Only dentists who have successfully completed this advanced specialty education may call themselves orthodontists.”

View Dr Brigham’s education and back ground, click here >> .

View The Phoenix Magazine TOP DENTIST ranking for Dr Brigham, click here >> .

9) Should I get braces done by a dentist or by an orthodontist?

It’s normally recommended if you have a orthodontist in your area to select a qualified orthodontist such as Brigham Orthodontics.

Just because a dentist says he or she “can do braces for you” doesn’t mean that they have all the training necessary to successfully handle complicated treatments. Normal and complicated cases are probably best handled by an orthodontist who has more training.

If you’re considering getting braces, you should probably get at least one opinion from an fully credited orthodontist to ensure that you are getting the correct type of treatment.

10) How much does an orthodontic consultations cost?FREEconsultationWphone

At Brigham Orthodontics we look at the alignment of your teeth and your facial aesthetics and gives you a general opinion of what he or she would do to correct your problems.

The consultation at Brigham Orthodontics is FREE. Keep in mind after your initial consultation, and you have selected Dr Brigham to complete your new smile, he will put together a comprehensive treatment plan for you after obtaining teeth molds and panoramic x-rays.

11) What is a “bite” and what is malocclusion?

Occlusion is another word for your bite — how the teeth in your top and bottom jaw meet with each other. Mal comes from the Latin root meaning “bad.” So, a malocclusion means a bad bite — a bite with problems. It means that your top teeth do not line up properly with your bottom teeth.

12) What are the “types of bite” and what do they mean?Think-overbite

The most common types of bite problems are:

  • Overbite. Patients with overbites appear “bucktoothed” and have a receding chin. The lower front teeth are positioned too far behind the upper front teeth. This condition can result from a horizontal overdevelopment of the upper jaw or an underdevelopment of the lower jaw or a combination of both.
  • Underbite. Patients with underbites have a strong jaw with a chin that juts straight out. The lower front teeth are positioned in front of the upper front teeth. This condition is caused by the horizontal underdevelopment of the upper jaw, the horizontal overdevelopment of the lower jaw, or most frequently a combination of both.
  • Crossbite. This occurs when the upper teeth are biting inside the lower teeth. This is frequently the result of a narrow upper jaw. Crossbites also occur because of a mismatch in jaw size and position between the upper and lower jaw. Some crossbites also lead to asymmetry of the lower jaw by causing the jaw to be abnormally deflected to one side when closing the teeth together. Proper diagnosis determines how and when a crossbite needs correction.
  • Open bite. This occurs when the upper front teeth cannot meet or overlap the lower front teeth even though the back teeth have closed together. Sometimes this makes eating difficult. Open bites are caused by the overdevelopment of the back portion of the upper jaw in a vertical direction. As the back portion of the upper jaw grows vertically downward, the lower jaw will open in a clockwise direction. This explains why open bite patients have a long facial appearance.

Take the FREE Invisalign Smile Assessment, click here >> .

13) Can I get braces just on the top or bottom?

That depends on your case. Orthodontics isn’t just about making your teeth straight or making them look better. Most orthodontists take a lot of things into consideration when recommending treatment, such as:Think-bracessmile

  • How the top and bottom teeth meet with each other (i.e., your bite)
  • How well you can chew your food
  • Whether you have a tongue thrust problem
  • Whether extraction or surgery will be necessary to correct your problems

So you see, it isn’t just a matter of making your teeth look pretty. There is a lot of other factors to take into consideration. This is why you sometimes need a full set of braces, even if you think that you only need them on top or bottom.

14) When will I begin to see changes in my teeth after the braces are put on?

Some people begin see changes in their teeth in the first 4 to 8 weeks of treatment.

15) Are people going to think I look geeky or weird with braces on my teeth?

Of course you’re self-conscious because it is YOUR mouth, but frankly most people don’t give a hoot. Your braces are a conversation piece for about 3 minutes; after that, nobody pays much attention. Really. And most people don’t think you look geeky. In fact, they probably think you look cute, or applaud that you are doing something positive to improve your appearance and your dental health. Whenever you become self-conscious about your braces, think about how great you’ll look after they come off!

16) Should I get teeth extracted as part of my orthodontic treatment?

It depends on your specific case. When we are young and our jaws are still growing, orthodontists can work with our growth to straighten the teeth without extraction.

But once we are adults, orthodontists are limited to what is already in place. Your teeth and jaw help to shape your face. Changing the underlying structure will result in some changes in your facial appearance. You should discuss this with your orthodontist. There are newer types of bracket systems that apply lighter forces and may be able to correct your problems without extractions, such as Damon Brackets. Be sure to ask about this during your FREE consultation!

17) How long does it take to close gaps between teeth after an extraction?

That depends on your body’s unique physiology. Gaps in teeth on the lower jaw tend to close slower than on the upper jaw. It can take anywhere from a few months to a year to close extraction gaps.

18) Do you have to change your diet when you wear braces?Thinkingapple

Yes, you should consider this to some extent. At first your teeth may hurt a bit and you might not be able to bite into hard foods, big sandwiches, or anything too chewy or crunchy. It is best to stick to soft foods until your teeth begin to feel better — usually in a few weeks. It’s worth it though, your new smile and confidence will be amazing!


[1] (edited) article .

View Brigham Orthodontics “5 Easy Steps to Straight Teeth”, click here >>

For your convenience, Dr. Brigham provides quality care at office locations in Scottsdale and Cave Creek areas. Call 480-767-8810.

Dr Brigham’s professional team.

Dr Brigham and his team is ranked as a PHOENIX Magazine ‘TOP DENTIST’, click here for more information on Brigham Orthodontics >>

Brigham Orthodontics office locations and hours, click here >> .

View our ’4- EASY Steps’ NEW PATIENT page with all the information you need to get started, click here >> .

Call Dr Brigham to set a FREE consultation at 480-767-8810.

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Filed under Adult Braces, Damon Braces, Damon Clear Braces, Dealing With Braces, FAQ's, Invisalign, Invisalign Teen, Preparing for Getting Braces, Selecting an Orthodontist, Seniors Braces, Teen Braces

A Guide to Thinking About Getting Braces. Featured by Brigham Orthodontics in Cave Creek and Scottsdale, AZ. Call 480-767-8810.


A Guide to Thinking About Getting Braces – The Top Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s).

1) Can you be too old for braces? [1]

NewYearSmileLadyThere is no age limit for braces. As long as you have good periodontal health, braces can be used to straighten your teeth and correct your bite. More people over age 30 are getting braces today than ever before. Many readers are between the ages of 25 to 55! However, if you have been on a Bisphosphonate drug for osteoporosis (such as Fosamax or Boniva) you need to talk to Dr. Brigham at Brigham Orthodontics first. Be sure and mention this during your FREE consultation!

2) I wore my retainer for a while when I was younger, but then I stopped wearing it and my teeth shifted years later. Is this common?

Yes, it is more common than you think. The teeth are actually more dynamic than you’d expect. Sometimes, when wisdom teeth erupt, your bite can change in adulthood. A large percentage of adults in braces are in them for a second time!

3) My kids just got braces and now I’m thinking of getting them, too. Thinking-family

Many adults “finally get their teeth done” when their kids go in for orthodontic treatment. It’s more common than you think! Some patients have an entire family in braces!

4) What is it like to have braces put on your teeth? Does it hurt?

Getting braces put on your teeth does not hurt, and does not require Novocain injections or anything painful.

5) How much do braces cost?Think-pric1.1v

The cost varies depending on what needs to be done and how long it may take to straighten your teeth. The metropolitan Phoenix area providers tend to be pretty similar in pricing. One benefit of the FREE consultation at Brigham Orthodontics is to determine exactly which system is best for you and how much time it may take, which in turn determines the cost.

6) Does dental insurance cover the cost of braces?

Many people in the U.S. have dental insurance through their employers or as individuals/families. This insurance usually covers orthodontic treatment for children up to age 18, but does not cover adult orthodontics — or only covers it up to a certain dollar amount. If your plan covers adult braces, consider yourself in the lucky person

Remember, most insurance plans and discount dental plans do not cover treatment that is already in progress. So, if you are going to sign up for a dental plan or insurance plan, do it before any treatment begins. Also, beware of any waiting periods your dental plan may enforce. And by the way, jaw surgery or extraction is sometimes covered under your medical plan, so be sure to look into this, too.

If you do not have insurance, Brigham Orthodontics offers several third-party financing plans to make the process affordable for you and your family.

7) Can I get the invisible braces (Invisalign brand) instead of traditional ones?Think-Invisalign

That depends on your specific case. Invisalign braces are usually not recommended for very complicated cases, or cases that involve extractions. During the FREE consultation, Brigham Orthodontics can decide whether Invisalign is the right recommendation for you.

View FREE video, “What to expect with Invisalign aligners”, click here >> .

8) What is the difference between a dentist and an orthodontist?

An orthodontist is a dentist who has taken several years of extra training beyond the basic dental degree. Here is what the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) says:

“It takes many years to become an orthodontist. As in medicine, the educational requirements are demanding.Think-HarrySicherAwawrd

First, an orthodontist must complete college.

Next is a three to four-year graduate program at a dental school in a university or other institution accredited by the American Dental Association (ADA).

Finally, there are at least two or three years of advanced specialty education in an ADA-accredited orthodontic residency program. The program is difficult. It includes advanced knowledge in biomedical, behavioral and basic sciences. The orthodontic resident learns the complex skills required to both manage tooth movement (orthodontics) and guide facial development (dentofacial orthopedics).

Only dentists who have successfully completed this advanced specialty education may call themselves orthodontists.”

View Dr Brigham’s education and back ground, click here >> .

View The Phoenix Magazine TOP DENTIST ranking for Dr Brigham, click here >> .

9) Should I get braces done by a dentist or by an orthodontist?

It’s normally recommended if you have an orthodontist in your area to select a qualified orthodontist such as Brigham Orthodontics.

Just because a dentist says he or she “can do braces for you” doesn’t mean that they have all the training necessary to successfully handle complicated treatments. Normal and complicated cases are probably best handled by an orthodontist who has more training.

If you’re considering getting braces, you should probably get at least one opinion from an fully credited orthodontist to ensure that you are getting the correct type of treatment.

10) How much does an orthodontic consultations cost?FREEconsultationWphone

At Brigham Orthodontics we look at the alignment of your teeth and your facial aesthetics and gives you a general opinion of what he or she would do to correct your problems.

The consultation at Brigham Orthodontics is FREE. Keep in mind after your initial consultation, and you have selected Dr Brigham to complete your new smile, he will put together a comprehensive treatment plan for you after obtaining teeth molds and panoramic x-rays.

11) What is a “bite” and what is malocclusion?

Occlusion is another word for your bite — how the teeth in your top and bottom jaw meet with each other. Mal comes from the Latin root meaning “bad.” So, a malocclusion means a bad bite — a bite with problems. It means that your top teeth do not line up properly with your bottom teeth.

12) What are the “types of bite” and what do they mean?Think-overbite

The most common types of bite problems are:

  • Overbite. Patients with overbites appear “bucktoothed” and have a receding chin. The lower front teeth are positioned too far behind the upper front teeth. This condition can result from a horizontal overdevelopment of the upper jaw or an underdevelopment of the lower jaw or a combination of both.
  • Underbite. Patients with underbites have a strong jaw with a chin that juts straight out. The lower front teeth are positioned in front of the upper front teeth. This condition is caused by the horizontal underdevelopment of the upper jaw, the horizontal overdevelopment of the lower jaw, or most frequently a combination of both.
  • Crossbite. This occurs when the upper teeth are biting inside the lower teeth. This is frequently the result of a narrow upper jaw. Crossbites also occur because of a mismatch in jaw size and position between the upper and lower jaw. Some crossbites also lead to asymmetry of the lower jaw by causing the jaw to be abnormally deflected to one side when closing the teeth together. Proper diagnosis determines how and when a crossbite needs correction.
  • Open bite. This occurs when the upper front teeth cannot meet or overlap the lower front teeth even though the back teeth have closed together. Sometimes this makes eating difficult. Open bites are caused by the overdevelopment of the back portion of the upper jaw in a vertical direction. As the back portion of the upper jaw grows vertically downward, the lower jaw will open in a clockwise direction. This explains why open bite patients have a long facial appearance.

Take the FREE Invisalign Smile Assessment, click here >> .

13) Can I get braces just on the top or bottom?

That depends on your case. Orthodontics isn’t just about making your teeth straight or making them look better. Most orthodontists take a lot of things into consideration when recommending treatment, such as:Think-bracessmile

  • How the top and bottom teeth meet with each other (i.e., your bite)
  • How well you can chew your food
  • Whether you have a tongue thrust problem
  • Whether extraction or surgery will be necessary to correct your problems

So you see, it isn’t just a matter of making your teeth look pretty. There is a lot of other factors to take into consideration. This is why you sometimes need a full set of braces, even if you think that you only need them on top or bottom.

14) When will I begin to see changes in my teeth after the braces are put on?

Some people begin see changes in their teeth in the first 4 to 8 weeks of treatment.

15) Are people going to think I look geeky or weird with braces on my teeth?

Of course you’re self-conscious because it is YOUR mouth, but frankly most people don’t give a hoot. Your braces are a conversation piece for about 3 minutes; after that, nobody pays much attention. Really. And most people don’t think you look geeky. In fact, they probably think you look cute, or applaud that you are doing something positive to improve your appearance and your dental health. Whenever you become self-conscious about your braces, think about how great you’ll look after they come off!

16) Should I get teeth extracted as part of my orthodontic treatment?

It depends on your specific case. When we are young and our jaws are still growing, orthodontists can work with our growth to straighten the teeth without extraction.

But once we are adults, orthodontists are limited to what is already in place. Your teeth and jaw help to shape your face. Changing the underlying structure will result in some changes in your facial appearance. You should discuss this with your orthodontist. There are newer types of bracket systems that apply lighter forces and may be able to correct your problems without extractions, such as Damon Brackets. Be sure to ask about this during your FREE consultation!

17) How long does it take to close gaps between teeth after an extraction?

That depends on your body’s unique physiology. Gaps in teeth on the lower jaw tend to close slower than on the upper jaw. It can take anywhere from a few months to a year to close extraction gaps.

18) Do you have to change your diet when you wear braces?Thinkingapple

Yes, you should consider this to some extent. At first your teeth may hurt a bit and you might not be able to bite into hard foods, big sandwiches, or anything too chewy or crunchy. It is best to stick to soft foods until your teeth begin to feel better — usually in a few weeks. It’s worth it though, your new smile and confidence will be amazing!


[1] (edited) article .

View Brigham Orthodontics “5 Easy Steps to Straight Teeth”, click here >>

For your convenience, Dr. Brigham provides quality care at office locations in Scottsdale and Cave Creek areas. Call 480-767-8810.

Dr Brigham’s professional team.

Dr Brigham and his team is ranked as a PHOENIX Magazine ‘TOP DENTIST’, click here for more information on Brigham Orthodontics >>

Brigham Orthodontics office locations and hours, click here >> .

View our ’4- EASY Steps’ NEW PATIENT page with all the information you need to get started, click here >> .

Call Dr Brigham to set a FREE consultation at 480-767-8810.

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Filed under FAQ's, Preparing for Getting Braces, Selecting an Orthodontist

A guide to help select the best orthodontist. Featured by Brigham Orthodontics providing new smiles and whitening in Scottsdale and Cave Creek, Arizona. Call 480-767-8810.

A guide to choosing the best orthodontist.

When people have to choose a orthodontist, this process can be made easier by following several steps. It’s important that people work with an orthodontist such as Dr Gary Brigham, DDS, MSD who is properly licensed, and this information can usually be gleaned by checking with a local or state dentistry board. There are plenty of other considerations once you have a list of names of licensed orthodontists from which to choose.

A number of people look first to their health or dental insurance companies, which may partly cover the cost of treatment. Many of these companies work specifically with a few practitioners, but that doesn’t always limit choice. Some companies will pay a lower percentage of cost if a person chooses to use an orthodontist who is not a contracted provider, and people must decide if bearing the extra expense would be worth it. They may also have the work of submitting bills for compensation by an insurance company and might need to pay more upfront. Some practices, such as Brigham Orthodontics, offers competitive third-party financing for patients without insurance.

View information on Dr Brigham’s Phoenix Magazine TOP DENTIST ranking, click here >> .

With a list from your insurance and state board sources, you may want to start making inquiries among friends and family to obtain opinions. Even without insurance, people can start asking others for recommendations, and inquire about anything important like whether the orthodontist was available for emergencies, compassionate, and competent. Good people to ask are those who have recently had orthodontic treatment or are currently pursuing it. Parents with pre-teens and teens may be the best source of information, but lots of adults now have corrective work done too. Trusted dentists are also a great source for orthodontic recommendations. Dr Gary Brigham has practiced in Phoenix for over 27 years, so chances are good that you know one of his patients, so ask around.

Cost is a consideration, and a significant one. Orthodontists may vary in what they will charge and some of them have generous payment plans that can allow people to pay for services over time. These specialists may also be able to offer a patient options on care (like having clear or metal braces, aligners, etc.) that can reduce cost slightly and make orthodontic care more affordable. On occasion, if you follow Dr Brigham on Facebook (click here >> or subscribe to his blog (click here >> ), you may receive a seasonal special that can reduce costs.

View a magazine cover story feature article on Dr Brigham, click here >> .

One good thing about Brigham Orthodontics is that they offer free consultations, and will usually render an opinion about what is needed for correction, review the benefits of the types of systems that are available, what it will cost and give you an estimate on how long it will take. It’s not a bad idea to have a free consultation to make sure you feel comfortable with the orthodontist, the office location and services being offered along with talking with the assisting staff members before deciding on which practice makes a person most comfortable. It isn’t uncommon to hear a few different opinions on exactly what is required to correct teeth placement or jaw problems.

Compare the benefits of clear aligners vs braces, click here >> .

Since opinions can vary, it may make sense to do some research on the common orthodontic techniques used to correct certain problems. Either after consults, or in advance, a person investigating an orthodontist can help determine whether advice given sounds most accurate. Occasionally, information on the Internet may be incorrect or false, so look for sites like Dr Brigham’s blog (click here >> ) that may give the most accurate details about how treatment is pursued.

Dr Brigham is ranked in the top 1% internationally by Invsialign, a clear aligner provider, click here >> .

Individuals may have particular concerns when they choose an orthodontist. They might want to work with one that is great with kids and teens, or they may want to see a specialist who works most with adults. Some people are deathly afraid of any type of dental work, and could benefit from finding an orthodontist like Dr Brigham that is particularly sensitive on this issue and has methods for dealing with it. Most important is patient comfort; if a person doesn’t feel comfortable with an orthodontist, he should look elsewhere for another specialist to provide care.

View Brigham Orthodontics 5 Easy Steps to Straight Teeth, click here >>

For your convenience, Dr. Brigham provides quality care at office locations in Scottsdale and Cave Creek areas. Call 480-767-8810.

Dr Brigham’s professional team.

Dr Brigham and his team is ranked as a PHOENIX Magazine ‘TOP DENTIST’, click here for more information on Brigham Orthodontics >>

Brigham Orthodontics office locations and hours, click here >> .

View our ’4- EASY Steps’ NEW PATIENT page with all the information you need to get started, click here >> .

Call Dr Brigham to set a FREE consultation at 480-767-8810.

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Filed under Selecting an Orthodontist

Have you thought why you or your child should get orthodontic treatment? Featured by Brigham Orthodontics in Scottsdale and Cave Creek, AZ. Call 480-767-8810.

Why you should get orthodontic treatment?

The goal of orthodontic treatment is a good bite—meaning straight teeth that mesh well with the teeth in the opposite jaw. A good bite makes it easier for you to bite, chew and speak. This can enhance your dental health and your overall health, and may improve self-esteem.

Orthodontic treatment is often part of a comprehensive dental health care plan. With good care, including orthodontic treatment when necessary, teeth can last a lifetime.

Treatment in children or teenagers who are still growing may yield results that may not be possible once the face and jaws have completed their growth.

A healthy bite is as important at age 60 as it is at age 16. Even though adults are no longer growing, they can also enjoy improvements that come from orthodontic treatment. Your age is not a consideration for orthodontic treatment. Healthy teeth can be moved at any age.

Orthodontic treatment is a smart investment in your dental, physical and emotional health.

When to see an Orthodontist.

If you recognize any of these signs in your child or yourself, it might be time to schedule a FREE consultation at Brigham Orthodontics to learn everything about your new smile.

  • Early or late loss of baby teeth.
  • Difficulty chewing or biting.
  • Mouth breathing.
  • Sucking the thumb or fingers, or other oral habits.
  • Crowded, misplaced or blocked-out teeth.
  • Jaws that shift, make sounds, protrude or are recessed.
  • Speech difficulty.
  • Biting the cheek or biting into the roof of the month.
  • Protruding teeth.
  • Biting the cheek or biting into the roof of your mouth.
  • Teeth that meet in an abnormal way, or not at all.
  • Facial imbalance or asymmetry (features out of proportion to the rest of the face)
  • Grinding or clinching teeth.
  • Inability to comfortably close your lips.

View FREE video, Fast, Comfortable Treatment & Extraordinary Results”, click here >> .

Orthodontics has come a long way.

A variety of orthodontic “appliances” are available today, thanks to ongoing research in orthodontics. Options include traditionalmetal braces, tooth-colored braces, braces that go behind the teeth, clear aligners and other devices, as appropriate. Check with Dr Gary Brigham about the best way to achieve your treatment goals.

Comfortable and efficient, today’s orthodontic appliances also contribute to a stable, long-lasting result.

View FREE video “Dental patient education”, click here >> .

Benefits of teeth straightening.

An attractive smile contributes to self-esteem, self-confidence and a positive self-image. Orthodontic treatment can benefit social and career success, as well as improve a person’s general attitude toward life.

While the appliances used in orthodontic treatment have come a long way since orthodontics became dentistry’s first specialty in 1900, what endures is orthodontists’ like Dr Gary Brigham, Brigham Orthodontics, desire to help you achieve your healthiest and most beautiful bite and smile possible!

View Brigham Orthodontics 5 Easy Steps to Straight Teeth, click here >>

For your convenience, Dr. Brigham provides quality care at office locations in Scottsdale and Cave Creek areas. Call 480-767-8810.

Dr Brigham’s professional team.

Dr Brigham and his team is ranked as a PHOENIX Magazine ‘TOP DENTIST’, click here for more information on Brigham Orthodontics >>

Brigham Orthodontics office locations and hours, click here >> .

View our ‘4- EASY Steps’ NEW PATIENT page with all the information you need to get started, click here >> .

Call Dr Brigham to set a FREE consultation at 480-767-8810.

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Filed under Damon Braces, Improving Your Smile, Invisalign Teen, Parents Information, Selecting an Orthodontist

Why is Orthodontics important to kids and adults? Featured by Brigham Orthodontics in Scottsdale and Cave Creek, Arizona. Call 480-767-8810.

Considering Orthodontic Treatment?

Brigham Orthodontic offers some things to think about.

More than 5 million people in the United States and Canada are in the care of an orthodontist and looking forward to a beautiful, healthy smile that’s good for life. The obvious potential reward is straighter teeth that are less prone to decay and injury. But just as important is the boost to self-confidence that a better smile can provide.

As you prepare to make decisions about orthodontics, it’s very important to be armed with the facts. Here’s a great checklist of what to keep in mind:

Why is orthodontics important?

Orthodontics can boost a person’s self-image as the teeth, jaws and lips become properly aligned. However, an attractive smile is just one of the benefits alleviating or preventing physical health problems is just as important.

Without treatment, orthodontic problems may lead to tooth decay, gum disease, bone destruction and chewing and digestive difficulties. A “bad bite” can contribute to speech impairments, tooth loss, chipped teeth and other dental injuries.

View “Why you should get braces” click here >> .

View “How do clear aligners work?” click here >> .

When should my child first see an orthodontist?

The American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) recommends that every child should get an orthodontic screening no later than age 7.

Many orthodontic problems are easier to correct if detected early rather than waiting until jaw growth has slowed. Early treatment may mean a patient will avoid surgery, adult tooth extraction, or other more serious treatment needs later in life.

Is it ever too late for a person to get braces?

Of course not! Healthy teeth can be moved at any age and an orthodontist can improve the smile of practically anyone. In fact, orthodontists regularly treat patients in their 50s, 60s and older!

What makes an orthodontist different from a dentist?

Dr Gary Brigham is a dental specialist who has undergone additional education specifically devoted to the correction of dental and facial irregularities. This is what he has done in Phoenix for over 27 years, day in, and day out. Dr Brigham is an orthodontist and is an expert at moving teeth, helping jaws develop properly, and working with the patient to help make sure the teeth stay in their new positions.

View additional information on Dr Gary Brigham, click here >>

Compare the benefits of different types of teeth straightening, click here >> .

What about costs?

This will vary, of course, depending on the nature of the problem. Many orthodontic problems require only limited treatment. You may be surprised to discover that orthodontics is less expensive than you thought.

Dr Brigham will be happy to discuss fees. It’s easy to schedule a FREE consultation to determine the best system, establish the cost and what you can expect! Many dental insurance plans now include orthodontic benefits. Of course, it’s important to keep in mind the lifetime value that orthodontics provides.

Should I ask to talk to present and/or former patients?

You probably already know one of Dr Brigham’s patients. Dr Brigham has practiced in the Phoenix area for over 27 years, ask your family and friends about him and be sure to tell us who referred you when you come for your initial visit!

It is wise for a consumer to investigate the value of any product or service. Most orthodontic patients will give it to you straight – orthodontics is one of the best investments they’ve ever made. Better self-esteem and better oral health are benefits that can last a lifetime.

View Brigham Orthodontics 5 Easy Steps to Straight Teeth, click here >>

For your convenience, Dr. Brigham provides quality care at office locations in Scottsdale and Cave Creek areas. Call 480-767-8810.

Dr Brigham’s professional team.

Dr Brigham and his team is ranked as a PHOENIX Magazine ‘TOP DENTIST’, click here for more information on Brigham Orthodontics >>

Brigham Orthodontics office locations and hours, click here >> .

Call Dr Brigham to set a FREE consultation at 480-767-8810.

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Filed under General Information, Selecting an Orthodontist